The main business subject of the company is the agricultural value-chain with all its links from cultivation, manufacturing, import and export, marketing, development, training, and everything related to it from tools, machinery, seeds, seedlings, fodder, fertilizers, drugs, and all kinds of crops, animals, and fish, especially:

  • Agriculture of all kinds and methods of production and focus on scientific research and agricultural development.
  • Developing agricultural supply chains, production, and distribution
  • Establishing centers for manufacturing, processing, assembling, packing, storing and cooling agricultural, animal, food, fodder, agricultural raw materials and everything related to them.
  • Establishing agricultural research, development, training and education centers and providing advisory and administrative services.
  • General trade, import, export and marketing.
  • Partnerships and cooperation with the public and private sectors and local and international NGOs.
  • Renting lands or establishing partnerships with their owners, and reclaiming and developing them.
  • Surveying, geographical planning, technology and artificial intelligence related to agriculture.
  • Establishing e-commerce websites and establishing systems and applications related to agricultural business.
  • Trade in agricultural medicines, pesticides,  fertilizers, fodder, seeds and seedlings.
  • Beekeeping, poultry, livestock, birds and fish.
  • Medicinal and aromatic oils, beverages, juices, organic agriculture, fruit trees, greenhouses, hydroponics, manufacturing grains, hybrid seeds, and others.